Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

I was hammering something in my room yesterday, and when I went upstairs, my dad asked what I was doing. I really didn't feel like explaining the dumb projects I do in my room, so I just refused to tell him for my own amusement. He gets kind of paranoid if he doesn't know what's happening. So despite his desperate attempts to figure out what I was doing, and his mounting distress, I kept it to myself. He went silent, and was obviously confused trying to figure out what I could possibly have been doing. Next time I'm bored and need some comedic relief, I'm just going to start pretend-hammering and drilling in my room when my dad is home.

This is my dad and the awesome new stairs he built with the same hammer and drill I use to confuse him.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


What's a girl to do with a silly boy?
This is a section from a short comic I made about a week of my life back in September, 2005.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This is the kind of crap I have to deal with having a younger sister

Dear Cosmopolitan Customer Service,

My younger sister (15 yo) used my name/email to enter one of your FREE bikini-give-away contests on, because I am of the age of majority and she is not. Apparently, this contest indicated that there was 'NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.' However, when she completed the contest form it indicated that I was now subscribed to Cosmopolitan Magazine, and would subsequently be billed $26.00. I have canceled this subscription, yet I am unsure if I will still be sent an issue/be billed for said issue. I do not want any issues of Cosmopolitan Magazine, and thus, do not wish to be charged any monetary amount.

If I am billed after contacting you at this email address, I will take matters further. This is due to the fact that you stated on your contest form that 'NO PURCHASE (was) NECESSARY.' Hence, you flagrantly lied, and your policy is incongruent and misleading, which is unlawful for a company such as yourself.

Please do NOT send me Cosmopolitan, and do NOT bill me.

Thank you kindly,

Kalena Mackiewicz

Monday, May 2, 2011